Hotkeys for changing FOV in first person.Switch between first person and third person on button press.Change the maximum zoom-out distance when on a boat.Show the amount of arrows when a bow is equipped.Option to increase brightness at night.Hotkey options for forward and backward roll.Display a warning message when attempting to place different crops too close to each other.Disable red screen flash on receiving damage.Show numerical stamina value below stamina bar.Show amount of items in the player's inventory when crafting or building an object.Show skill experience gains and current skill level in the top left corner on gaining exp.Option to sleep without setting your spawn point.Modify velocity and accuracy of projectiles from bows and javelins including a option to scale it with skill level.Modify the Guardian buff duration and cooldown.Tweak Rested bonus duration per comfort level.Modify each skill's experience gain separately by percent.


We work together closely to make sure all our features are integrated and working at all times. We teamed up with one of the best game hosting companies out there to make sure we can offer you the best quality dedicated game server hosting at affordable good prices. V+ also comes with a version and configuration control system for servers and users, enabling server owners to ensure that only players with the same configuration are able to join the server. The goal is to provide V+ as a base modification for Valheim to increase quality of life, tweak the game's difficulty, and in general, improve the player's experience. We also supply a high performance automation system for all production buildings to automatically pull and push from nearby chests, in addition of allowing to craft and build from nearby chests. V+ also offers players the ability to build and place objects with very high precision through a sophisticated system, as well as tweaking and modifying already placed objects with equal precision.
The mod includes several different main features that allow users to modify the stats of players, buildings and entities. Zogniton - Inventory Overhaul initial creatorĪ HarmonyX Mod aimed at improving the gameplay quality of Valheim. MrPurple6411#0415 - BepInEx Valheim version, AssemblyPublicizer