This album has only been with me for a short whiles but it has been a constant companion in the car for closing on two weeks now and, while I like some of it, I don't think it's a patch on some of the band's earlier work. The bottom line? If you are a fan of Shinedown I have no hesitation in recommending 'Attention' 'Attention' to all. Style wise this is more like 'The Sound Of Madness' than the more melodic 'Amarylis', is it me or can I hear some Faith No More in there? Lead vocalist Brently Stephen Smith's voice I have always liked and all the songs here are varied in a positive way so.each and ever track sounds interesting for different reasons. Once I listened to 'Attention Attention' all I wanted to do was play it again, and again, which is always a good sign. It is very diffecult to pigeon hole Shinedown's sound but they do remind me of Nickelback and Black Stone Cherry some what (vocals maybe), however that might be doing them a injustice because I am not a big fan of those bands.

Their 2008 album 'The Sound Of Madness' I enjoyed but thought their follow up 'Amaryllis' was more melodic. Along with Eclipse, Shindown are one of my favioute current bands, their last album 'Threat To Survival' I did sample but wrongly or rightly avoided for some reason (I might have to re-evaluate). I have thoroughly enjoyed all their music and this new album has met and exceeded expectations for me.ĪTTENTION ATTENTION might, just might be Shinedown's best ever album! one things for sure this is well worth checking out. If you like this band this is a must have for your music collection. I have loved every Shinedown album and always buy them on the release day, Attention Attention has been an absolute joy to listen to and I have indulged and indulged this weekend I must have listened to it start to finish at least 10 time and intend to play the SH*T out of it for a while yet. When I listen to this album I am hearing references to his childhood and the challenges he faced, I am sure there are some messages in the lyrics about his parents and the frustrations he experienced when younger that I think he tries to explain. I read an article about Brent Smith and the music that influenced him as he grew up, he picks out some very good tracks but the underlying message in reading the article to me was that his musical aspirations were maybe suppressed by his parents, he speaks of having to sneak albums indoors or get friends to buy them for him and playing them on a walkman he kept hidden in his room. This album is heavier than previous ones but not so much so that it detracts from some stunning lyrics, there isn't a single track on the album I could single out as being less interesting than the other tracks. Oh Wow! Shinedown have absolutely smashed it again with this album.