Don’t be afraid to hold back with cross, I once meant a High level cross who admitted he wasnt giving it his all, when he eventually did, he managed to do a 2v1 with 3 stocks of 3 stocks and win.

Cross isnt mainly meant for a pacifist playstyle, hes meant for aggressive players. Never spam cross’ moves, try mixing it up every so often to learn new combos and playstyles. Dodging with cross gives you the upperhand, due to him having easy-2-master fighting styles.Using his down special, quickly use his side special, to get them off the edge, and keep them off, if they try getting back on, rapidly try jumping above them and using a down special.Mordex has decent speed and strength for a werewolf, but his defense and. Using his side special to latch onto the opponent, this will make them going flying, once they do, try keeping them off the edge with multiple down special attacks, never spam it as state in line ‘2.’. Legends in Brawlhalla require mastering the combos, and it is why this tier.Never ever spam his gun moves, due to them being easily readable after a bit.Note: This works well with pacifist players. If you’re on a map with multiple layered platforms, try using his normal special, to get them up in the air, then proceed with jumping up, and doing a up special.While this may give you the upperhand, its annoying to the opponent.
#Brawlhalla combos mordex Patch
Last note, never ever spam with his side special. Happy Brawlhalloween 2021 PATCH NOTES, WEEKLY ROTATION.If you’re facing a Pacifist play-styled player, try using his down special to grab them, and once they are in the air, jump up and do an up special to get them, Note: this one is also hard to land due to dodging.Using a Down melee slam and then using his side (left/right) Special Also works, Note that it is sometimes hard to do this one, due to the fact Most players dodge.A combo I use alot is the side melee attack, but once you slam them down, wait for them to get stunned into the air, and using his normal special.Special Move combos can only be used with cross, or you can change them around and use them for other legends stated above. Melee can be used on other legends such as Caspian, Wu Shang, Mordex, Val, etc. The weapon has strong aerial capabilities, with a grappling attack that moves the opponent away from you. It says tips and combos that I mainly use, and execute properly. Scythe is an excellent weapon to achieve advantage over the enemy. His easiest combo starter (His Bread & Butter) is D-throw, his grab has a really long range even if it is laggy and he can follow-up with basically any aerial.